23,000 Great Quotes App Reviews

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Great food for thought. I really enjoy them and Im sharing them with others and giving the authors the credit

nice app

had it for months really like it but all of a sudden its crashing. crashing, crashing!

Very entertaining

Great way to spend a bit of free time here and there and get inspired at the same time.

Fun & Interesting

I enjoy going back in time chatting over coffee with some of the most influential people ever.....great way to start up convo!!!

When I am down

I find this app very helpful when I feel depress. Keep the good work. I use it every week and it really help me.


There are some gr8t quotes in this app!

Love the app

I love this little app. It copys the body of a sentence to the memory of the phone, then I can paste it anywhere I want. I usually paste these quotes to the end of my emails. Everyone seems to love them.


I use this outstanding app. very often!

Inspiring, amusing, and thought provoking!

Great app!

Words are powerful!

"The extraordinary thing about words is that they come from inside of us and cost nothing, worth more than any precious stones and still have the same grate value all their lifelong without expiring date"- Benoit Venne

23 000 Quotations

I thoroughly enjoy reading the different thoughts to start my day.


Had it for months and it worked great. Now it crashes and wont even open!! Recent bug fix update achieved nothing!!

Great app to return to time and again

Great little app

Great app.

Does as advertised. Great app.


A lot of the quotes are enlightening and entertaining if not informative. Great app.


Great! Some syntax, grammatical & spelling errors but gradually improving.


Always a conversation starter


Keeps your mind active!!

Like the quotes but when I tweet them I dont like the advertising that goes with the tweet.

Greatly amusing quotations. Please keep adding to it. Great way to while away the time when you are siting somewhere really boring.


it is a good one.

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